Is religion my God???
I went to a religious sacred place and upon coming out from the
temple a colleague asks me if I sees the god?
I answered him saying that the god sees me!
There were lots of boxes meant to drop offerings.
Was wondering if the place was for prayer or a market.
Was there peace or was there a feeling?
Was this place a hill for show offs where the rich can come and jump the lines?
Does the gods that are worshiped here really will have a place in the crowd?
We again visit a holy relic and this place of worship was of my own.
It is the religion that I follow and this religion was that I believe will bring me to God.
I or we (with the same colleague) enter the church which had a very stunning gothic looks.
We went down the catacomb and there was again an offering boxes and money there was in plenty, better stock than a certain local corporate house!
I sure hesitate dropping even a coin for I feel that I will insult myself if I drop here.
I knew I should drop in my previous visits. So, it will be fair to make my offerings.
Finally we were out with head full of thoughts that religion in this earth sure was a donation!
Donation leads to causes, causes creates an effect which can either be good or bad!
When we're out of the caves, there was yet another surprise at the exit, a relic shop!
I guess this was fair to an extent unless and until they are have a sale for indulgence!
Went in and bought something that deserves for a poor chap like me.
The questions still remains as I sat in my seat by the bus window!
Do I see the god? and the answer still bumped that the God sees me!
I went down from the bus and loiter around the nearby pub and after some hesitation buy three small bottles of whiskey which was called mosquito repellent coil because of the size!
It looks like a key chain to me!