Friday, January 23, 2009


This wonderful picture was posted in a friend's orkut album under the header "active"
Was wondering what would she meant?!!

Hmmn...well! What was I thinking the moment when I saw of this!
But to compensate my actives there was another picture labeled "passive"

And that was the balance in the album!

Smiling as always in workplace, no crunchy, all cookies...
Opposite to me was a guy names GSM who always had crack on his face..!
Asking him for a lunch move, he smile and says "yes"
Asking him for a coffee break, he says "yes"
Asking him to share me his work, he says "yes" (I guess)
Asking him for a treat, he still says, "Yes"

Such a wonderful fellow!
Always active and making the day fresh and active throughout!
Yes, the saying of YES...and the sweetness and its effect in an inter-personal communications..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The best way to defence is to attack!

Life's a game, but play safe!
Football is a game that reflects life!

Recent attacks on the Palestine's Gaza by Israel draws a good number of criticism worldwide.
It had also some amount of appraisals as well!

Some people with a deep sense of humanity or anti-war sentiments condemn the attacks.
While some with a sense of hostility knowledge or otherwise those known the book of the engagement rules wrote positive about the attacks.

A much junior teammates once comment about our attack in our game suggesting that we need a more attack to play defensive! The more offensive we play, the more defensive the opponent will be. If they happen to be offensive too! Yeah! the better of the two will survive and will stand.

As for Israel, being surrounded by hostiles from all sides, what else will she do if some signs of offended initiatives are being launched against her?
Man, India is a big country! leaders in power are politicians!

Who are Politicians and Statesmen?
Who are Traitors and Patriot?

Play offensive if someone violate the other's dignity.
Dignity to live in peace and the dignity of respect(s)....

Forget the traditional, forget the past, forget the history
and live for the moment, the present. and today
and thread the fine line!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ya! The year starts with a harvest!!

Sugarcanes in lengthy, doorsteps in beauty, decorations in leafy, traffic in weighty, traffic again in empty and IDLY in plenty! as it even fills the pictorial decorations in doorsteps with the sugarcanes having the prominent eye catcher!

As every nations and culture across celebrating harvest festivals, so its time for such one in Chennai. The Pongal festival!

What a tip I gather this evening.....
Sugarcane, Oh! How I love them in my kids days!! Even got my tooth to burn with too much of treacle toffees! Which I find hard to resist and now...yeah! makes me realize my smile had villain effect with the empty sloth in the front...well I now remember there was another famous actor who have it like this!! Hmmn, lets not go far with that excuse! Oh even one gal had it!!

Yes, one that looks old or matured, not the young or fresh....
Check the stem! It should have stem, the longer the stem the sweeter the canes....
Check the leaf and you can tell the young plant...
Young and fresh, you ignore them for your own good and benefit...
Old is gold here and see it for yourself!...
A matured sugarcane, a fresh cut and ripe canes is as sweet as sin!!!
Yeah I too just had one!!

Doorstep decoration....TIPS

Well..frankly telling you I don't have any idea how to do with those white powder...
Have a nice decoration, with a sugarcane picture on it and a pot full of IDLY!