This wonderful picture was posted in a friend's orkut album under the header "active"
Was wondering what would she meant?!!
Hmmn...well! What was I thinking the moment when I saw of this!
But to compensate my actives there was another picture labeled "passive"
And that was the balance in the album!
Smiling as always in workplace, no crunchy, all cookies...
Opposite to me was a guy names GSM who always had crack on his face..!
Asking him for a lunch move, he smile and says "yes"
Asking him for a coffee break, he says "yes"
Asking him to share me his work, he says "yes" (I guess)
Asking him for a treat, he still says, "Yes"
Such a wonderful fellow!
Always active and making the day fresh and active throughout!
Yes, the saying of YES...and the sweetness and its effect in an inter-personal communications..