The year closing brings summary of event the happened to the self in a year.
The year opening straightaway test the capability on event management. There was shift of burden which was inevitable. Yes, arranging all the ceremonies surrounding a marriage in a Catholic Church was quite a challenge. But then, utilisation of manpower with an assign roles do ease the objectives. Task assignment accordingly to one's potential and ability do produced desired result. Your capacity in handling of unforeseen circumstances are the ones that grade you in the end. This includes a Police Farewell ceremony.
And when you are considered an export quality. Then, there you go beyond border leading hundreds of men with arms. You once again learnt that there are appointed leaders and working leaders! You also revisit your old comrades with arms. Efficient management on 'power naps' during long journey save lives. Welcome Kits are always lovely. It impact you a homely feeling/s.
And then, when Outstanding result is achieved, the other human minds are often little-cursed with jealousy. You may called yourself fortunate if you could identify the owners of such. You may called yourself blessed if you could still love them and you may call yourself mature if you could deal with them peacefully and overlooking their attitude.
Striving towards another challenging task after a day or two rest. There you go with an endeavour dealing dangerous large numbers of fast moving lead-projectiles. One mistake means a life could be lost, one faulty arrangement could end up causing injury and burdened with lots of paper works and becoming an infamous personality.
Come along a lovely package that got both a date and luck of a fully uniformed squad of men’s escort upto the state’s highest peak. Mountain top doesn't come to you, to reach the peak, you have to climb. And as life it is; there are fun along the way to the top.
Following the summit scaling is boating and explosives detonation at a river. Dangerously fun! Sometime you are lucky if you could share your adventure to a rookie. Adventures that are dangerous and thrilling are the ones that satisfy your heart!
Food adventures require many skills. A heavenly tongue taste and appreciate. It can be a vast adventure from a tiny square limits.
Challenge anew resulting movement, goodbyes are part of life. Dawn to the ones that goodbyes are never real if the heart’s true. Physical sickness and disease counts much lesser in one’s life. Asymptomatic pandemic virus infection can still be fun if there is hope and care.
The year 2021 had showered you with gifts and friends; reconnection with old classmates, colleagues, comrades, friends and families; blessed with the wisdom in works, daily life and human touch. You even have your share of Coronavirus! You would like every year to be like 2021, of course, minus the virus.
Few days left with the year. If 2022 brings you major changes in your life with a decision inherit from 2021...then it can be called The Decisive 2021.