Frankly I confessed that I am not a good speaker neither a good writer nor a good host
but i really was shocked everytime when people says that they were unprepared for a speech that they are about to deliver..
The worse is that when they are given time and topic and yet they still can say that they are unprepared!!
Let them deliver theirs with whatever other than apologetic right from the start!
Why are they scared!! Who is to scared and who is scary from the audience?!!
Is there anyone out there scary!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Hunky-Dories class trip!!
We, the final year B.A. English Literature (2004-2007 batch) students of Loyola College had our educational tour to Ooty, a famous hill station in Tamil Nadu. Having a five (15/02/07-20/02/07) days adventures in exploring the beauty of nature it had been a wonderful experience for us all.
Top 5 songs during the trip!
1. We are the Champion
2. We will rock you
3. Dailamo (tamil)
4. Who let the dogs out
5. Old Mac Donald
Some mutterings!;
"It was a fantastic tour, I really enjoyed a lot"
Anthony Davis
"We should have done it from the first year itself"
Tenzin Dhonden
"You guys are friendly and this tour was among the best I've seen"
Mano (our tour guide/professional guide)
"A gentleman party I've seen and this is one among that"
An employee in the Queen's Residency
"In Loyola College I've seen three kinds of students:
i) Day-scholars
ii) Hostellers and
iii) Francis.
Kishore (in his thanksgiving speech)
"I would like to thank our professor for not enquiring me why i regularly had bunked his classes and from now on that kind will happen less"
Sam (right after the party while the kick still remains!!)
"I accompanied students in their tour around 16 times (since 1986), this was the best and the most memorable in my life"
Prof. A.Britto
"I was standing there....and then this girl came and i don't know why!!..blah..blah....pah! another one year of sleepless nights"
Ferrin (our roommate in his confession!!)
"I am the Champion"
Francis (me! coz was the champion bull rider!, scored highest touchdowns, and a bluffmaster:))
Top 5 songs during the trip!
1. We are the Champion
2. We will rock you
3. Dailamo (tamil)
4. Who let the dogs out
5. Old Mac Donald
Some mutterings!;
"It was a fantastic tour, I really enjoyed a lot"
Anthony Davis
"We should have done it from the first year itself"
Tenzin Dhonden
"You guys are friendly and this tour was among the best I've seen"
Mano (our tour guide/professional guide)
"A gentleman party I've seen and this is one among that"
An employee in the Queen's Residency
"In Loyola College I've seen three kinds of students:
i) Day-scholars
ii) Hostellers and
iii) Francis.
Kishore (in his thanksgiving speech)
"I would like to thank our professor for not enquiring me why i regularly had bunked his classes and from now on that kind will happen less"
Sam (right after the party while the kick still remains!!)
"I accompanied students in their tour around 16 times (since 1986), this was the best and the most memorable in my life"
Prof. A.Britto
"I was standing there....and then this girl came and i don't know why!!..blah..blah....pah! another one year of sleepless nights"
Ferrin (our roommate in his confession!!)
"I am the Champion"
Francis (me! coz was the champion bull rider!, scored highest touchdowns, and a bluffmaster:))
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Terrorism-A way of Life!!!
Believe me..Terrorism is a way of life these days! It is a force for balance in a social set up. It will prevail as long as there is the concept of good and evil.
Modern society cannot reach the dream of Utopia.
Fantastic Quote
"Forgiving terrorist is left to God but fixing appointment with God is our responsibility" Indian Army!!
In one of my presentation on English through Contemporary Ideas paper I outlined that,
"All freedom fighter says they are not terrorist and all Terrorist says that they are freedom fighters. So what is the difference in here?"
What I can say from my viewpoint is that most of the menfolks who goes this way are the ones that lack freedom and also are the ones who are not that good speakers and politicians rather they are ones who are failed orator. As a remedy they goes the arms way as it is the only reason where they can voice or shouts their views being a failed orator mostly and they had the ideals expressed in such a kind! Everyone wants to express oneself but everyone does not have a chance. So expression does not paved way for everyones! We can say that "There are people who are born privilege and there are people who are victims of circumstances!"
A remedy where the penniless had the buds for enjoyment in their life with these three factors or elements Girls, Guns and Glory. They too had ideals which they expressed in an unlawful entertainment, killing unlawfully! (others killed lawfully) People who can killed each other lawfully or unlawful are same people as they kills and kills.
Places where there are there are law that kills people are the places where terrorist strikes! cite some examples for yourselves!
Militancy Vs Terrorism.
It is different. Militancy is of a lower level as compared to Terrorism which is of a worldwide.
militant is a fighter, an opposer, objector
a terrorist is
a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
Modern society cannot reach the dream of Utopia.
Fantastic Quote
"Forgiving terrorist is left to God but fixing appointment with God is our responsibility" Indian Army!!
In one of my presentation on English through Contemporary Ideas paper I outlined that,
"All freedom fighter says they are not terrorist and all Terrorist says that they are freedom fighters. So what is the difference in here?"
What I can say from my viewpoint is that most of the menfolks who goes this way are the ones that lack freedom and also are the ones who are not that good speakers and politicians rather they are ones who are failed orator. As a remedy they goes the arms way as it is the only reason where they can voice or shouts their views being a failed orator mostly and they had the ideals expressed in such a kind! Everyone wants to express oneself but everyone does not have a chance. So expression does not paved way for everyones! We can say that "There are people who are born privilege and there are people who are victims of circumstances!"
A remedy where the penniless had the buds for enjoyment in their life with these three factors or elements Girls, Guns and Glory. They too had ideals which they expressed in an unlawful entertainment, killing unlawfully! (others killed lawfully) People who can killed each other lawfully or unlawful are same people as they kills and kills.
Places where there are there are law that kills people are the places where terrorist strikes! cite some examples for yourselves!
Militancy Vs Terrorism.
It is different. Militancy is of a lower level as compared to Terrorism which is of a worldwide.
militant is a fighter, an opposer, objector
a terrorist is
a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
United North-East–a troubled question
I still remembered when one of our famous professor comment on the reality of the segregation of the North Restern States from the mainstream India. It is a true fact if one start comparing the North Eastern states and the rest of the Indian states.
A troubled region steered by regional interest. It had captured hundred of headlines but does the central government paid any heed to it? Does the Indian statesmen have their attention to these troubled regions? Does the policy framers have their minds for the regions? Do politician's talk of the region? Is the segregation real? Is it that the central government allows the present scenarios happening? What is the central approach to the problem? Can there be any solutions?
Why does the North Easterners themselves not united? Is everyone aware if the North Eastern states if stand united can be the most resourceful states? Why is there an elements of separatism? Why are the people thinking diffrent? Are the North Easterner facing any problems with their fellow Indians?
Why is China claiming Arunachal? Why did Mizos fight for Independence? Why did the Nagas?
Why did the Indian Air Force bomb Aizawl(Mizoram)? Why are there so many militants group in manipur? What is the Khasi interest not meted out? Why is the ULFA so popular? Why is the BNLF in Tripura surrendering in Mizoram? Why is th ArmForces Power Act gained such an outcry against it in the North East? Is is so often misused?
The North Eastern Council...
Is this a cheat? Why is this council performing below expectation? Do the North Eastern people trust this council? What is the lifeline of this council? What work does this council have? What is this council manage on their own without much relying on the centre? Does the council works on bringing together the north easterners? Why such a big chunks of money is involved in this council? Does the center bombards the council with money?
If I can get an answer to these question will I fight to make changes?
A troubled region steered by regional interest. It had captured hundred of headlines but does the central government paid any heed to it? Does the Indian statesmen have their attention to these troubled regions? Does the policy framers have their minds for the regions? Do politician's talk of the region? Is the segregation real? Is it that the central government allows the present scenarios happening? What is the central approach to the problem? Can there be any solutions?
Why does the North Easterners themselves not united? Is everyone aware if the North Eastern states if stand united can be the most resourceful states? Why is there an elements of separatism? Why are the people thinking diffrent? Are the North Easterner facing any problems with their fellow Indians?
Why is China claiming Arunachal? Why did Mizos fight for Independence? Why did the Nagas?
Why did the Indian Air Force bomb Aizawl(Mizoram)? Why are there so many militants group in manipur? What is the Khasi interest not meted out? Why is the ULFA so popular? Why is the BNLF in Tripura surrendering in Mizoram? Why is th ArmForces Power Act gained such an outcry against it in the North East? Is is so often misused?
The North Eastern Council...
Is this a cheat? Why is this council performing below expectation? Do the North Eastern people trust this council? What is the lifeline of this council? What work does this council have? What is this council manage on their own without much relying on the centre? Does the council works on bringing together the north easterners? Why such a big chunks of money is involved in this council? Does the center bombards the council with money?
If I can get an answer to these question will I fight to make changes?
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
From top -left: Green Beret, Driver, Sapper, Sniper, Pilot, Diver, Spy.
It was a very fresh morning with the bright sun. My men are landing safe and we got a quick line-ups and checks and then the next seconds all of us are inside a farm house by a river. On the other side of the river there was a German Oil depot, we had to destroy this highly secured depot as it was a main feed for the German army movement. My team consisting of a Green Beret, a Sapper, Sniper, Driver and a Marine. We got no Spy and so we got to act wild with our guns. In our side of the river we had a small column of German Army patrols. Carefully locking the door behind us we approach them but unfortunately i led the Sapper hurl his grenade to the wrong direction. The German patrol who are so sensitive soon find us out and getting all of us killed in action. This was the end of Mission 2
As a real-time strategy games (depending on the WW II), To me this game Commandos is one of the best around. True, it is more puzzle based than most people would like, but there is a strong satisfaction in accomplishing each of the 20 missions. What adds to the appeal of this product are the graphics. Each mission area is beautifully detailed and line of sight is accurately modeled. Recalling the mission by the Beret and the Spy in a icy cold mountain, I was totally amazed that finding that I shivered under a Chennai hot summer.
Too many clickings for a particular items needed for this game and that is why others soon quit even before reaching upto 3rd mission out of the 20th mission. This finally left two of us racing till the last mission. Operation Valhalla!
I had been trying hard to win as i knew my competitor was a good gamer. And so with that race I installed the game in friends system to whichever i was frequent and had stored the game password in my mobile. This help me real fast from wasting time(!) and will soon acquire another password for the next mission!But even with that it went on for weeks as we both are not full timers to the game and we had completed mission by mission up till the 9th mission.Eventually we got holidays and again we both stick to it. My competitor who was laggin behind me with one mission in between us had now developed new styles of saving the game and was soon ahead of me by two. I followed hi suit and finally catch up with him again.It was in the last mission which i've completed first within a non-stopping 48hrs of playing (2days and 2nights). My competitor was in his 18th mission while i finished up the whole game...whoa!!
I was damn tired and had got a good rest in an armchair and in here not to mention the other things that happened to my face while i was sleeping peacefully!!;)
I can't refrain myself from laughing/cracking when Divya imitating the Driver's voice. It seems so real for a female.
Calling her "Divya...Divya..'' promptly she'll reply saying.."Sir, Yes sir...I'll be right over there!!"
we all had a tummy blast when she'll concluded with the Hmmn Hmmn sound by the Green Beret
Another fella Richard ( a distinction class academician) who likes to watch me playing had the best oral copy of the lines by the Green Beret..the "consider it done''
(he adopt that phrase and thing are going easy...for instance, asking for him a treat..its always a consider it done one..Thank you Mr. Green Beret!!)
Jims system was the most victimised one for this game as not much application is loaded in that and besides gives the best sound effect!!
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