We, the final year B.A. English Literature (2004-2007 batch) students of Loyola College had our educational tour to Ooty, a famous hill station in Tamil Nadu. Having a five (15/02/07-20/02/07) days adventures in exploring the beauty of nature it had been a wonderful experience for us all.
Top 5 songs during the trip!
1. We are the Champion
2. We will rock you
3. Dailamo (tamil)
4. Who let the dogs out
5. Old Mac Donald
Some mutterings!;
"It was a fantastic tour, I really enjoyed a lot"
Anthony Davis
"We should have done it from the first year itself"
Tenzin Dhonden
"You guys are friendly and this tour was among the best I've seen"
Mano (our tour guide/professional guide)
"A gentleman party I've seen and this is one among that"
An employee in the Queen's Residency
"In Loyola College I've seen three kinds of students:
i) Day-scholars
ii) Hostellers and
iii) Francis.
Kishore (in his thanksgiving speech)
"I would like to thank our professor for not enquiring me why i regularly had bunked his classes and from now on that kind will happen less"
Sam (right after the party while the kick still remains!!)
"I accompanied students in their tour around 16 times (since 1986), this was the best and the most memorable in my life"
Prof. A.Britto
"I was standing there....and then this girl came and i don't know why!!..blah..blah....pah! another one year of sleepless nights"
Ferrin (our roommate in his confession!!)
"I am the Champion"
Francis (me! coz was the champion bull rider!, scored highest touchdowns, and a bluffmaster:))
Top 5 songs during the trip!
1. We are the Champion
2. We will rock you
3. Dailamo (tamil)
4. Who let the dogs out
5. Old Mac Donald
Some mutterings!;
"It was a fantastic tour, I really enjoyed a lot"
Anthony Davis
"We should have done it from the first year itself"
Tenzin Dhonden
"You guys are friendly and this tour was among the best I've seen"
Mano (our tour guide/professional guide)
"A gentleman party I've seen and this is one among that"
An employee in the Queen's Residency
"In Loyola College I've seen three kinds of students:
i) Day-scholars
ii) Hostellers and
iii) Francis.
Kishore (in his thanksgiving speech)
"I would like to thank our professor for not enquiring me why i regularly had bunked his classes and from now on that kind will happen less"
Sam (right after the party while the kick still remains!!)
"I accompanied students in their tour around 16 times (since 1986), this was the best and the most memorable in my life"
Prof. A.Britto
"I was standing there....and then this girl came and i don't know why!!..blah..blah....pah! another one year of sleepless nights"
Ferrin (our roommate in his confession!!)
"I am the Champion"
Francis (me! coz was the champion bull rider!, scored highest touchdowns, and a bluffmaster:))
tour of the batch;journey of a life. touring the same place with the same people is evitably impossible. amazing and wonderful, were yo guys!
tour of the batch;journey of a life. touring the same place with the same people is evitably impossible. amazing and wonderful, were yo guys!
Hats off to Antony Roy, David Wesley and Dickens Leonard who made it happened.
hey Francis Dude! can you post some more pics!
this is very nice,,,,,,,,,,
ooty is supeb
i think u enjoy the tour
upload more pictures
post more pics dude!!
i love Ooty and wanna see more pics..
your page is nice and wanna see more of your photography!! pls pls dude!
do post some more..am refreshing my memory where we had went there back two or more years!
Hey Pumama! post some more pics and also do post some hot topics!
really like your tour pics! post some more..
my humbly request!
Dey! when are you posting ra!??
you gotta check digital lib. lots of your photography used as desktop background..
you did it!!
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