Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cruel world

Struggling inside a crowded bus during peak hours
Having a train journey in a general compartment class where you can't even sit straight because of the deck blocking your necky! and the crowd blocking your wingy!
These are signs that the government is a good profit maker.

These are the modes of travels that are common and the most affordable kind for the middle class which constitutes the majority in almost every society.

How much will the government profit from this kind of tax levied welfare.
Ya, ya, this kind of transportation is cheap and anyway are easy to access and are the most utilized.
You have the ticket for the ride and you can decide whether to ride it or not. And the decisions tells your future!

You are in a crowded train or in a bus when you didn't notice anything suspicious! This is just another day for you! a bright new day, say be, you're going for a party, celebration, or might perhaps a funeral! You are tilting your head, you are smiling, you are laughing, you are crying, you are sad! This is the all mixture that will be there in the place where you live at present, in the bus, in the train, or in this world around you! This moment is not eternity, Life will fade for one but who knows how and when? Why and where?

You turn your head, either to look around, because you see a friend, a colleague, a beautiful lady/lad/children/grannies/rich/poor/begging/giving/singing/dancing, all sorts of action you can see happening even within a short mile! A smile you see, a mournful face you see next, you see the dying, you see the new born,

Now you stood up for you have reached your destiny and there you are.
You thought that your day is done, so you got to go.
You start thinking about tomorrow, thinking about your wife, husband, relatives, children, new born, your girlfriend, boyfriend, parents, promises you had, an your plan for tomorrow, and the next instant when your leg thump's onto the ground you know you had a blackout. People, who are lucky or unlucky but to see you tells the next curious ears that you are thrown off to a countable meters. Due to the high impact explosions, they knew they too had a heavy head but otherwise are far safer than you. You don't know what had happened to you. You might remember that you heard a blast. The rest is recollected when you wake up either in heaven, hell or the same cruel world.