Thursday, November 19, 2009

Study team

So!! Who's gonna be my teammates?
When I knew I made myself to this research team I was first curious of how many others are there before they even tell. First time meeting was done with introduction and other ice-breaking stuffs. Seriousness influenced the second.

Now thoughts occupy the mind which controls the body. It makes the mind to read and anticipated, visualising the outcome of the to-be taken decision, accomodating as pa with environment, programming to function etc.

Listen it people! Come gather round here and I'll tell you I stll have fun all along. Flexibility really helps in getting better than others. Fun and games eases stress. Variety of challenges makes a person more human and shapes one's future preparedness. Assumptions and its analysis (how dangerous assumptions can be without facts, values and datas). Feedback developing experiences as feedback helps in mastering talents and potentials.

Optimism always gives you the guts you needed. It always adjust itself by giving alternatives or more attempt or otherwise the adrenalin needed. (If you are a pessimist religion is a good medicine to counter the hurdles)

See me cruising round the clock late night, morning hours, lazy afternoons and dusky evenings so that I will say. I have done this. I achieved that and I silved it.

Hmmn well...lets end your reading here so that you can have something to digest! Digest it well even if is too hard! See life as a song and a gift.