Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The blasting silence!

I think this has to be posted as it bear the name Pumama 😇 Even though the work unit is a small one, I think I still wanted to write a line or two on this.

I once was asked why I contribute my system to the Folding@home project in spite of the programme having said to have effected system sound-ware. I had my own highlights- the this and that. It may be little but still it can matter. If we all learn & develop the passion of delivering humanitarian betterment away from the spotlight, I think the world will be much more better each day. 

The romance with Folding@home project is the Team '0' contribution. It was an overwhelming sight to see the huge work units delivered by kind-hearted anonymous donors across the globe who voluntarily donated their Computing power in the fight against Covid-19. This heart loves the people who are silently doing all the good things out of the spotlight. And, one of these days, we are in bright spirit that Pharmaceutical Corporations and names of Individuals will spring with good news. Donors may come to know who they help but Researchers and Scientists might not know who had lend their help. With each passing day, The Day come closer. Once that day arrives, a few might chance to whisper to the self saying, "Good heavens! Yeah, I played a little part in there' 

I disclosed the donor identity in a bid to attract challenge, I have fresh (undisclosed) identity in the hope of more freedom of working.