Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Why this name?!!....pumama?..

wih dedication to dear little ones who are so close...

otherwise also for these ...


This is a name that my niece and nephew will call me...

This name is a shield for them in their world...

This name will bring them moments of pause...

This is a name that their parents will make 'em laugh...

piss blogce is nemmedd pumama torrpi patt pumama

(this blog is named pumama 'coz pumama made it!)

Icc patt tiss Enngliss hafe sett commerade to lare,

(i, that have set down english for care of friends..)

icc was paer nicke-nemmedd was pumama bi name peat nemmnedd!

(have named pumama by name which i was petted!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

na na...i naute ho van ti ngaihawm ve..really miss them too..