Saturday, April 25, 2009

Summer break

Why I always longed for summer breaks and how I always manage so far!

Life so different under one sun. Places so incomparable. Terrain sometimes so misleading. Sometimes you are under the sun and you are under the roof but you are never under the woods. You are by the roads that stretch afar with all sorts of people and their troubles and you are not by a riverside with the different chirping sounds.

When summer is around man made materials tried to cooling it down. We got AC, fan, fridge, water sports etc. but the heat always remains. And the temperature never seems to understand us and to have some compensation is reduction.

Not being born and bought up here was my drawback in beating summer in Chennai. I always complain. I was always ready to lose my whatever in exchange for a summer break and so did I. Always ready to sacrifice my job, comfort life...etc not inclusive of friends and true love which I have yet to experience!! Eh...

How I wish to have a summer break and revisit the 4miles river for a hunt, fish or for a swim. How I wish to scale the length two and half stretch by swimming with face-up. I knew I was still scare of a one particular deep I was once pulled by a hand from below but I wanna try again! This time I should try in the day and not in the night. (Last time it was a swim at night 2pm). How we survived when our raft broke in the middle of a deep river and swimming to the banks full of reeds with snakes.

It was a woods far away from home, a jungle full of animals, a river full of sports, fun and fish. Days goes in merry adventure games and nights comes with scary adventure. We are always happy when having a first timer amongst us. It was a blessing...a real fun testing if he had boast before. Trapping wild animals was sure the best. The taste of the wild is incomparable to domestics. If environment and forest dept knew of our blunders...well i don't have anything to say. Yes the taste of the spot cook of a fresh water fish was something like that could only be served by the river or otherwise in heaven. Its not a food for thought or whatever a super chef might coined, it was a food for soul. the taste healed everything....It had you, makes you forget everything except that you are by a river. You will ask who is your lover's name because you don't know at this time!!

It is summer but you find no problem about weather. Grass is green and animals are fat. Prawn are getting bigger and crabs are of any values. Fishes snail getting better. their tummies are now all white. Harpoons are sharpened. Knives are well sharpened. Soldiers are coming home. (guys are doing good in the army with these jungle instinct and are coming home) Guns are locked and loaded. Gears are ready with equipments. I come to answer the long call of the woods.

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