Friday, May 15, 2009

Beer beat

While the sun hangs in the sky and the breeze quietened.
When the rain having a long break.
Dreams are of something that is cold.
Striving to something that will chill.
Readying for things that are icy.
Paying for things that can melts.
Drinking of things that burbles cool.

Heat to beat, sun to conditioned, weather controlled as it all comes.
but there is one thing that give a slight kick with an empty stomach under this humidity.
You sweat but you never mind as you think it gives you coolness.
It sure was when you gulp. You down a bottle and feels good.
You feel okay with the weather now. Your reach for another frozen bottles and you goes round after round. One after the other. It was a chase.

Yes, ain't looking for nothing but a cold can you resist this irresistible grasp?
Don't need nothing but a chilled beer.
Pockets away, cash to go, get the fever, be the cowboy, shake it up, get the bubble, blow them spring.
Its a good remedy to beat the summer heat.

They say that beer is a proof that we are loved.

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